A poem, a prayer

Sweet angel of Death, if you must come,
better come now.
I do not fear at all your glacial kiss,
and there’s a voice calling me, in the fair darkness
beyond the ford.

From past suffering, my soul is mature
for dying well.
Just everything that I’ve loved lasts
in my heart, as scraps from the past,
so cold, being so pure.

Out of this earth’s slime, soaked in tears,
my yearning uproots.
To die must be beautiful, like easily sliding
on a ship with no rudder, nor sail, nor oaks,
nor ballast of memories!

And all my future is sowed with salt!
I am too lazy to live tomorrow, still.
That which wounds, more than pain suffered,
is pain to come, pain awaiting me…

So I would almost give, to die now,
—to die forever! — an immortal soul.

[Màrius Torres, 1936 – translated by Ari Fontrodona, 2016]



Dolç àngel de la Mort, si has de venir, més val
que vinguis ara.
Ara no temo gens el teu bes glacial,
i hi ha una veu que em crida en la tenebra clara
de més enllà del gual.

Dels sofriments passats tinc l’ànima madura
per ben morir.
Tot allò que he estimat únicament perdura
en el meu cor com una despulla de l’ahir,
freda, de tan pura.

Del llim d’aquesta terra amarada de plors
el meu anhel es desarrela.
Morir deu ésser bell, com lliscar sense esforç,
en una nau sense timó, ni rems, ni vela,
ni llast de records!

I tot el meu futur està sembrat de sal!
Tinc peresa de viure demà, encara.
Més que el dolor sofert, el dolor que es prepara,
el dolor que m’espera em fa mal…

I gairebé, donaria, per morir ara,
—morir per sempre!— una ànima immortal.

Àngel custodi (retall 2)
Angel statue in the graveyard of Trzic, Slovenia


18 thoughts on “A poem, a prayer

      1. No, John… But anyway you’re always a gentleman! (I was close to write “a prince”, but it would have seemed pretentious. And perhaps a bit hot :))
        I thank you heartily for visiting again my deserted & desolated page!! It’s really kind of you and it means much to me. Warm hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Torno a estar-te molt agraïda, Jaume. També m’emociona una mica que hagis tingut prou empatia per a llegir una mica entre línies i prou bonhomia per a dir-me això que em dius. M’ho guardo, perquè la teva esperança ja és per mi un motiu més 🙂 Gràcies!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. A poem for Ari

    Skyward…….The light pierces the clouds with the strong, yet gentle warmth of an angel.
    Seen and felt by many.
    It puts the night to rest……the darkness to slumber.
    It allows for opportunity, for the enjoyment of life.
    It allows us to continue our journey forward, into what life holds for us.
    The sunshine, with a loud silence, brings peace to its recipients
    happiness to its beholders
    love to its admirers.
    I am blessed to be one of these. As I make my own journey forward, I too will see the darkness is no match for the light, for the sunshine that cannot be kept hidden.
    As I stand in the middle of the arena of life, with its battles, trials, tribulations,
    the sunshine makes its way through nature’s objects
    and comes to rest, with its gentle warmth, on my shoulder.
    And, as I look over the very shoulder in which the sunshine has laid its head,
    I can proudly exclaim to the entire world,
    “There she is!!!!!”

    Rest in peace, Sunshine…….eres amada………..

    Liked by 1 person

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